Artist: Stormhat
Title:The Green Machine
Media: audio/images
release status: available
Stormhat is Peter Bach Nicolaisen from Denmark.
Peter started out as an intellectual and has a university degree in history.
in arts, his first works were psychedelic, op-art minimalistic paintings, while living in copenhagen. using canvas to express dreams and thoughts gained him a lot of reputation and fame.
he then moved to jutland, to work as teacher in the krabbesholm schoold for art, architecture and design. he started a project around his garden, where he grows psychotropic and medical plants (amongst others more common as well), recording sounds and trying to catch atmosphere and different realities.
he likes the mixture between the ugly and the beautiful, noise and silence, chaos and structure, time and space.
The Green Machine is a mind soundtrack, a journey into different mindstates, an approach to transform awareness, trance, thinking and forgetting into soundscapes.